Ceramic Restorations

Fractured Molar

Ouch! You just broke a part of your tooth. What can be done to repair it? A traditional filling is not strong enough to replace such a large amount of tooth structure, but preparing the whole tooth for a crown seems too aggressive. The answer to this dilemma is a conservative inlay or onlay.


Ceramic inlay or onlay restorations are treatment options few patients know exist. An inlay is a ceramic restoration that rests within the tooth. An onlay is a ceramic restoration that rests on the tooth, such as a replacement for a missing or fractured cusp. These restorations are colored to blend in with your tooth, less prone to leaking, stronger than tradition amalgam or composite restorations, and more conservative than traditional crowns.PrepInaly

The procedure is similar to the process of placing a crown because it takes two appointments to complete. At the first appointment, the tooth is prepared for the onlay or inlay, a temporary restoration is placed, and an impression is taken and sent to the lab for fabrication of the permanent restoration. At the second appointment, the temporary is removed and the permanent restoration is cemented into place; leaving you with a tooth that looks and functions just like new!

Chicago’s Midwinter Dental Meeting

Chicago Dental Society's Midwinter Meeting

Chicago Dental Society’s Midwinter Meeting

Every February, the Chicago Dental Society puts on its Midwinter Meeting. At this meeting, dentists, hygienists, dental assistants and dental supply companies all come together under one roof to discuss the latest advances in the dental field. This year’s Midwinter Meeting took place February 21-23, and both Dr. Lindsten and Hygienist Tina Roy attended the meeting.

Dr. Lindsten came back from the meeting with useful information regarding the latest in all-ceramic (metal free) crowns, inlays and onlays. Look for a blog post on this topic in the near future and be sure to ask the doctor about these options for your own teeth!

Ceramic Inlays

Tina returned from the meeting with new information concerning the latest options in teeth whitening. These new products and procedures will be available at our office soon, and again, look for a blog post on this topic. In the meantime, feel free to ask any of our staff about which teeth whitening options would work best for you!

Teeth Whitening